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So far MVDPC has created 74 blog entries.
20 Jun, 2016

Javi wins back-to-back BOB

2021-02-03T13:20:43-05:00June 20th, 2016|Brags|

This past weekend in Troy, Ohio, Sharon Bruno's Javi (Ch. Traditions Javier Esposito) won back-to-back Best of Breeds and on Saturday went Group 4 under judge Evie Sullivan.  Javi was handled by Paula Hall. Congrats team Javi!  

30 May, 2016

Memorial Day Shows

2017-03-12T18:03:37-04:00May 30th, 2016|Brags|

The members of the Miami Valley Dobe club are very active with their dogs, competing in many different venues.  Over the 2016 Memorial Day weekend, several of our members' dogs won big at the Hamilton, Ohio conformation dog shows. Javier (Traditions Javier Esposito) owned by Sharon Bruno finished his championship at Friday's show under David [...]

14 Mar, 2016

Sookie Earns her BN

2017-03-12T18:03:37-04:00March 14th, 2016|Brags|

This past weekend at the Queen City Obedience/Rally Trials, Sharon and Sookie earned their BN (Beginner Novice) title. Congrats to Team Sookie!

19 Jan, 2016

2016 March Shows

2021-02-03T13:09:52-05:00January 19th, 2016|Club events|

WE'VE MOVED! We are no longer having a show in May at the Hamilton, Ohio Memorial Day Cluster.  Both of our shows were held in conjunction with the Louisville, KY Cluster.  We had a show on Friday and Sunday March 18 and May 20. Click here for results  

30 Aug, 2015

Ryker is a Champion

2015-12-10T12:20:31-05:00August 30th, 2015|Brags|

This past weekend at the West Central Oklahoma KC show, Ryker (bred by member Michelle Kramer) finished his championship under Charlotte Clem McGowan. Ryker was always handled by Michael Shepherd for his owners. He was shown a total of only 4 weekends. Mirabel Here’s the Deal v ADAMAS, Ryker  finished with a 4 point major [...]

24 Aug, 2015

2015 August Agility Trial

2015-12-10T11:59:48-05:00August 24th, 2015|Club events|

Well, another year of agility trials under our belts. THANKS again to a wonderful club Dobie fans to help me put on these events. They raise some great money for our Rescue and Medical needs Dobermans We have many members that help to be there and I truly appreciate it!!! THANKS to Queen City for [...]

16 Aug, 2015

Largo is a Champion

2021-02-03T13:07:39-05:00August 16th, 2015|Brags|

Today at the Anderson KC under judge Mrs. Linn Klingel Brown "Largo" owned by club member Kris Wickemeier finished his championship to officially become Ch. Denmar's Red Key Largo Sunset RN CGC. Largo was handled to his championship by Vicki Seiler.

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