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So far MVDPC has created 74 blog entries.
27 May, 2015

2015 July Agility Trial

2015-07-06T10:45:30-04:00May 27th, 2015|Club events|

Another great agility trial under our belts. THANKS to all the wonderful members that came out on a holiday weekend and volunteered your time. As with any event, we can’t do it without our members help. We had a great turn out. I hate to mention names, so afraid I will miss someone, but here [...]

26 May, 2015

Milo is a Champion

2021-02-03T13:06:44-05:00May 26th, 2015|Brags|

Michelle Kramer finished her puppy, Milo, in three weekends with three majors from the Bred By Exhibitor class.  He always went Best of Winners, and along the way he was awarded Best of Breed over specials.  He was bred by Michelle who co-owns him and handled him to all of his wins. Milo is now [...]

7 Jul, 2014

Ron and Chuck earn their MACH

2017-03-12T18:03:38-04:00July 7th, 2014|Brags|

On Saturday July 5, 2014 at our club's agilitytrial, club member Ron Siwecki and Montwood Arista Chaka Kahn Delcrest aka "Chuck" earned their 20th QQ to earn the title of AKC Master Agility Champion.  So now Chuck is officially known as MACH Montwood Arista Chaka Kahn Delcrest. Congrats! Ron and Chuck earn their MACH [...]

31 May, 2014

Fiesty Earns Her MACH

2017-03-12T18:03:38-04:00May 31st, 2014|Brags|

Wende Call's "Fiesty" earned their Master Agility Championship (MACH) on May 31, 2014 and now Fiesty is officially known as U-GRCH CH MACH Pawshere Never A Dull Moment CDX RE MXB MJB OF ROM CGC TDI U-AG1 U-CD U-RO1 CL-3 ROM. On June 28, 2014 Fiesty also passed the DPCA Working Aptitude Evaluation (WAE) to earn [...]

3 May, 2014

2014 July Agility Trial

2015-05-27T07:52:23-04:00May 3rd, 2014|Club events|

THANKS to so many people. We had a wonderful weekend at Queen City on July 5 & 6, 2014. First, thank you Mary for wonderful courses and always a fun time. Erica, you are the best every secretary, always accurate and fun Jane, you are the best every hospitality ever!!! Please let your club member [...]

30 Mar, 2014

Porsche Earns Her MACH

2017-03-12T18:03:38-04:00March 30th, 2014|Brags|

Up in Cleveland on March 30, 2014, Carol Moore's "Porsche" earned her MACH (Master Agility Champion) to officially be known as CH. MACH Protocol's Citius Altius Fortius,ROM, MX, MXG, MXJ,MJS, MXF, SG . Congrats to team Porsche! Porsche earns her MACH

16 Jan, 2014

2014 WAE

2021-02-03T12:54:45-05:00January 16th, 2014|Club events|

The Associated Doberman Pinscher Clubs of Ohio held their annual Doberman Pinscher Club of America Working Aptitude Evaluation and social at the Lima dog show site on June 28, 2014.  

26 Aug, 2013

2013 August Agility Trial

2015-05-27T07:54:38-04:00August 26th, 2013|Club events|

Our August 2013 agility trial held August 24 & 25 at Queen City Dog Training Club was a success! We had 7 Dobermans on Saturday 9 on Sunday. There were great runs and it was also just a great time for many of our members to just sit and chat and have fun.. I had so [...]

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