Club events

20 Oct, 2016

2016 National

2017-03-12T18:03:37-04:00October 20th, 2016|Brags, Club events|

The Miami Valley DPC was well represented at the 2016 DPCA National held in St. Charles, Illinois The Miami Valley's donation to the Friday Night Fundraiser for Health and Rescue brought in the largest bid of $1500.00. There was a kickoff Roaring Twenty's party which was a blast. The [...]

11 Jul, 2016

2016 July Agility Trials

2017-03-12T18:03:37-04:00July 11th, 2016|Club events|

It was a wonderful trial. In case you didn’t hear, the electric went off at 9:50 AM Sun, and didn’t come back on until after 1 PM. With the 10 windows in the ring building, it was not too bad, and gave each exhibitor the chance to decide if they wanted to run. Most did. [...]

19 Jan, 2016

2016 March Shows

2021-02-03T13:09:52-05:00January 19th, 2016|Club events|

WE'VE MOVED! We are no longer having a show in May at the Hamilton, Ohio Memorial Day Cluster.  Both of our shows were held in conjunction with the Louisville, KY Cluster.  We had a show on Friday and Sunday March 18 and May 20. Click here for results  

24 Aug, 2015

2015 August Agility Trial

2015-12-10T11:59:48-05:00August 24th, 2015|Club events|

Well, another year of agility trials under our belts. THANKS again to a wonderful club Dobie fans to help me put on these events. They raise some great money for our Rescue and Medical needs Dobermans We have many members that help to be there and I truly appreciate it!!! THANKS to Queen City for [...]

27 May, 2015

2015 July Agility Trial

2015-07-06T10:45:30-04:00May 27th, 2015|Club events|

Another great agility trial under our belts. THANKS to all the wonderful members that came out on a holiday weekend and volunteered your time. As with any event, we can’t do it without our members help. We had a great turn out. I hate to mention names, so afraid I will miss someone, but here [...]

3 May, 2014

2014 July Agility Trial

2015-05-27T07:52:23-04:00May 3rd, 2014|Club events|

THANKS to so many people. We had a wonderful weekend at Queen City on July 5 & 6, 2014. First, thank you Mary for wonderful courses and always a fun time. Erica, you are the best every secretary, always accurate and fun Jane, you are the best every hospitality ever!!! Please let your club member [...]

16 Jan, 2014

2014 WAE

2021-02-03T12:54:45-05:00January 16th, 2014|Club events|

The Associated Doberman Pinscher Clubs of Ohio held their annual Doberman Pinscher Club of America Working Aptitude Evaluation and social at the Lima dog show site on June 28, 2014.  

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