Club events

26 Aug, 2013

2013 August Agility Trial

2015-05-27T07:54:38-04:00August 26th, 2013|Club events|

Our August 2013 agility trial held August 24 & 25 at Queen City Dog Training Club was a success! We had 7 Dobermans on Saturday 9 on Sunday. There were great runs and it was also just a great time for many of our members to just sit and chat and have fun.. I had so [...]

1 Jun, 2013

2013 Memorial Day Shows

2021-02-03T12:52:33-05:00June 1st, 2013|Club events|

We had another very successful show circuit at Hamilton, OH over Memorial Day.  Our judge was Darlene Young from Darwin Dobermans. Click here for our MVDPC show results.

17 Apr, 2013

2013 July Agility Trial

2017-03-12T18:03:38-04:00April 17th, 2013|Club events|

Click here for the premium list as an interactive PDF file. Our July 6 & 7 agility trial... Held at Queen City Dog Training Club 12018 Tramway Drive Sharonville, OH 45241 Climate-Controlled Building – Indoor Crating This event will be held indoors using one ring: 98 ft. by 86 ft. Rubber matting over ¾“ foam [...]

7 Mar, 2013

WAE in June at Lima

2014-01-10T11:43:36-05:00March 7th, 2013|Club events|

The Working Aptitude Evaluation (WAE)  was a huge success.  All of the Ohio Doberman clubs came together and put on a well run, and well attended event. Thanks to everyone who helped and saw that everything ran smoothly. Click here to enjoy photos of the WAE.

27 Aug, 2012

Agility Trial 2012

2017-03-12T18:03:38-04:00August 27th, 2012|Club events|

Our August 25 & 26, 2012 agility trials had the largest Doberman entry so far!  We had 8 Dobes on Saturday and 9 on Sunday.  Once again, our judge was the wonderful Dan Faulkner from TN.  Dan and his wife Brenda own, train, and trial Dobermans.  It was such a pleasure to be able to [...]

27 May, 2012

Specialty Show 2012

2017-03-12T18:03:38-04:00May 27th, 2012|Club events|

Our 2012 conformation specialty show was held on May 26 at the Butler County Fairgrounds.  Our judge was Ms. Victoria Harris of Imagemaker Dobermans in Colorado. Best of Breed  Ch. Holly Woods Catwoman  T & L Kronovich  Best of Opposite  Ch. ADAMAS Shock and Awe  R & I Wilcox & E Barrett  Winners Dog  Rauschund's [...]

29 Aug, 2011

Agility Trial 2011

2015-05-27T07:55:03-04:00August 29th, 2011|Club events|

Miami Valley Doberman Pinscher Club held our 2nd annual trial at QCDTC's newly expanded facility in Sharonville OH on August 28 and 29, 2011. Queen City Dog Training Club members/workers were super and their facility is now the TOP performance event facility in the area (and maybe in the region, state, etc..). Miami Valley DPC members both [...]

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