
Welcome to the Miami Valley Doberman Pinscher Club (MVDPC).  We are a group of Doberman owners located in Cincinnati/Southwest Ohio.  MVDPC members are interested in and have excelled with their Dobermans in Conformation, performance competition (Obedience, Agility and Rally Obedience), but most importantly, our members have Dobes as beloved pets.

Enjoy your visit to our site and if you have any questions, comments, or would like to become a member, use the contact page to send an email to the club president.

Our club members are very active in agility, conformation, barn hunt, obedience, rally, and dock diving.  Below is a small sampling of our accomplishments.

Dorie Earns her RATO

June 26th, 2017|Categories: Brags|Tags: |

At this past weekend's Clermont County Dog Training Club Barnhunt Trial, Dorie earned her RATO making her U-CH. Mirabel Here to Adore v ADAMAS RATI [...]

Zini earns her C-ATCH

March 12th, 2017|Categories: Brags|Tags: |

March 2017 - Zini earns her C-ATCH Zini, owned by Michelle Kramer and Jim Lauver, completed her CPE Agility Trial Championship on March [...]

Titan Earns His RATO

February 19th, 2017|Categories: Brags|Tags: |

Feb 2017 - Titan earns his RATO A week after finishing his breed championship, in four straight barnhunt trials, Kris Wickemeier's Titan finished [...]

Champion Yuri

February 13th, 2017|Categories: Brags|Tags: |

This past weekend at the Indianapolis Indiana shows, Vicki Hitzfield's "Yuri" finished his championship under judge Bob Slay and went on to earn a Grand [...]

Titan is a Champion

February 13th, 2017|Categories: Brags|Tags: |

This past weekend at the Indianapolis, Indiana shows, Kris Wickemeier's Titan finished his championship under judge Toddie Clark handled by Cindy Lane Smith. He is [...]

Champion Max

January 31st, 2017|Categories: Brags|Tags: |

Max, owned by member Sheri Hill is shown finishing his championship at the Erie Kennel Club Sunday January 29th 2017 for his final three point [...]

2016 National

October 20th, 2016|Categories: Brags, Club events|

The Miami Valley DPC was well represented at the 2016 DPCA National held in St. Charles, Illinois The Miami Valley's donation to the [...]

Upcoming MVDPC Events

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