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So far MVDPC has created 74 blog entries.
18 Apr, 2021

Diana Best in Show

2021-05-07T12:40:24-04:00April 18th, 2021|Brags|

At the Columbiana, AL shows, Michelle & Jim's girl Diana went BEST IN SHOW under judge Dana Cline and RESERVE BEST IN SHOW under judge Vicki Seiler-Cushman. Congrats to Team Diana!

16 Mar, 2021

New Champion Beamer

2021-03-22T13:06:13-04:00March 16th, 2021|Brags|

President Kris Brown's red male Beamer finished his championship with 3 5 point majors. This past weekend in Shelbyville, TN he went Best of Breed and Group 2 over specials under Dave Bolus and finished the next day under Michael Canalizo. Ch. AlCher Let's Roll v Aquarius Congrats Kris! [...]

25 Nov, 2020


2020-11-25T21:01:22-05:00November 25th, 2020|Brags|

Wende's gorgeous CH Quartet’s Diamond Flair WAC, "Flair", going BEST IN SHOW OWNER HANDLER this past Saturday at the Corning CA shows under judge Ted Eubank. Flair is by GCHG Protocol's To The Victor Go The Spoils CAA x CH Quartet's Diamond Heart MX MXJ OF RATN ROM. Congrats Wende! [...]

25 Oct, 2020

Titan DCAT

2020-11-04T10:16:15-05:00October 25th, 2020|Brags|

Congrats to club president Kris Brown. Her boy Titan earned his AKC DCAT Fast CAT (Coursing Ability Test) title recently. The dog must earn 500 speed points for their DCAT. Titan's average was a blazing fast 26.53 miles per hour. Gooooo Titan!!!! You can learn more about the AKC Fast CAT program [...]

12 Oct, 2020

Beamer Wins a Major

2020-10-21T08:36:02-04:00October 12th, 2020|Brags|

Club President Kris Brown went to TN this past weekend and came home a winner. AlCher's Let's Roll v Aquarius (Beamer) first weekend of shows and he did amazing -  picking up a 5 point major!  He was handled by Diego Garcia.  

8 Oct, 2020

Best in Show Owner Handled

2020-10-21T08:36:02-04:00October 8th, 2020|Brags|

The Marvelous Miss Monet takes another Owner Handled Best in Show on Wednesday Oct 7 2020 at the Oakridge Kennel Club. She was also Select Bitch in a very competitive line-up. Multi BISOH, MBISS, group placing GCH Quartet’s Paint The Town Red v Arete RA CGC, Bravo X Bling. Co-owned with breeder [...]

17 Jul, 2020


2020-11-25T20:57:41-05:00July 17th, 2020|Brags|

Introducing MACH Arete’s Shining Dark Star RN MX MXB MXJ XF T2B WAC CGC TKA (Izzy) who earned her (and owner Julie's) very first MACH at Cleveland All Breed Trial at CAPS this past Sunday under judge Don Farage on some challenging courses. Not that earning that first MACH isn’t exciting enough [...]

23 Mar, 2020

2020 Specialty Show

2021-05-23T19:23:38-04:00March 23rd, 2020|Club events|

Our 2020 Specialty Show was held March 13 in conjunction with the Kentuckiana cluster in Louisville, KY at the Louisville Exposition Center.  The cluster was cut short due to the Covid-19 shutdown, so our March 15 show was cancelled. Besides our conformation show, the Louisville cluster has many other INDOOR events such as dock [...]

27 Oct, 2019

2019 National

2020-10-21T08:36:02-04:00October 27th, 2019|Brags|

Miami Valley DPC members did well at the Doberman Pinscher Club of America's 2019 National Specialty. Michelle Kramer and Jim Lauver's girl, "Diana", GCHB. Mirabel Endless Love CGC TKN BCAT RATN, was awarded Select Bitch at the Regional under Pamela DeHetre(Pamelot),Best Maturity Senior under  Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno (Alisaton) and Best of Breed at [...]

27 Aug, 2019

2019 August Agility Trials

2019-08-27T12:03:17-04:00August 27th, 2019|Club events|

High in Trial Julie and Izzy Another trial wrapped up. I could NOT do this without the help of several members of the club. Thanks to Kris, Uta, Laurie, Laura, Ron, Julie, for all your help.  Also had drop ins of Sharon & Ruthie It was a wonderful event, [...]

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