
2 Oct, 2023

2023 National

2023-10-06T19:17:27-04:00October 2nd, 2023|Brags|

Our club is small, but our members are active and mighty! The 2023 DPCA National specialty held in Springfield, MO is a wrap and our members once again excelled! Julie Sipe-Lust and "Izzy" won the Top 20 Agility competition on Tuesday evening shown with breeder Vicki Hitzfield [...]

6 Sep, 2023

2023 August Agility Trials

2023-09-06T18:28:25-04:00September 6th, 2023|Club events|

Well another one is in the books. July and Aug were busy with our 2 agility trials at Queen City. THANK you members that came out to help and watch, very much appreciated! Queen City is very supportive of our Doberman club, and we have more money now for important issues to [...]

1 Sep, 2022

2022 August Agility Trials

2022-09-20T14:39:02-04:00September 1st, 2022|Club events|

Julie and Izzy had a perfect weekend! Well another one is in the books. July and Aug were busy with our 2 agility trials at Queen City. They are the best people to work with. ALL of their members work so hard to put on great trials. They hire great [...]

17 Jul, 2020


2020-11-25T20:57:41-05:00July 17th, 2020|Brags|

Introducing MACH Arete’s Shining Dark Star RN MX MXB MXJ XF T2B WAC CGC TKA (Izzy) who earned her (and owner Julie's) very first MACH at Cleveland All Breed Trial at CAPS this past Sunday under judge Don Farage on some challenging courses. Not that earning that first MACH isn’t exciting enough [...]

27 Aug, 2019

2019 August Agility Trials

2019-08-27T12:03:17-04:00August 27th, 2019|Club events|

High in Trial Julie and Izzy Another trial wrapped up. I could NOT do this without the help of several members of the club. Thanks to Kris, Uta, Laurie, Laura, Ron, Julie, for all your help.  Also had drop ins of Sharon & Ruthie It was a wonderful event, [...]

8 Jul, 2019

2019 July Agility Trials

2020-11-25T20:59:32-05:00July 8th, 2019|Club events|

High in Trial Julie and Izzy Another trial wrapped up. This was Dan Faulkner's last judging assignment for us. He's done a great job through the years - THANKS DAN! Our big time winner for HIT on both runs on Sunday was Julie and IZZY , CONGRATS!!! great smooth [...]

10 Jul, 2017


2017-07-22T14:33:11-04:00July 10th, 2017|Brags|

Under judge Dan Faulkner, at this past weekend's Miami Valley DPC Agility Trial, club members Ron and Denise Siwecki's "Bird" earned her MACH (Master Agility Championship) to become CH MACH Merrimac's Fire Moon MX MXB MXJ MJS OF CGC

12 Mar, 2017

Zini earns her C-ATCH

2017-03-13T17:13:55-04:00March 12th, 2017|Brags|

March 2017 - Zini earns her C-ATCH Zini, owned by Michelle Kramer and Jim Lauver, completed her CPE Agility Trial Championship on March 5, 2017 under judge Mark Anthony.  Zini qualified in over 110 agility runs in order to attain this title. She is now... AKC GCh/UKC Ch./C-ATCH ADAMAS Bottle Shock of Mirabel [...]

11 Jul, 2016

2016 July Agility Trials

2017-03-12T18:03:37-04:00July 11th, 2016|Club events|

It was a wonderful trial. In case you didn’t hear, the electric went off at 9:50 AM Sun, and didn’t come back on until after 1 PM. With the 10 windows in the ring building, it was not too bad, and gave each exhibitor the chance to decide if they wanted to run. Most did. [...]

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